1. Navigate to the left menu in the Infrastructure Lifecycle Hub
2. Click on the Asset menu item
3. Click on Create asset
4. It will appear a new window "Create new asset"
5. Fill in the required information (entries with * are mandatory):
- Upload photo: Add one picture of the asset that gives a first sight of what this asset is about
- Asset name*: Give a name that describes the asset
Note: Asset name is the only parameter that can be used to search for assets in the database.
- Template: Template defines a custom configuration to be applied to the asset
- Asset group*: Choose from a set of structure groups that is most descriptive of your asset
- Location: Add a city or coordinates, where your asset is located
- Construction year: Add the year of construction
- width, length, area: You can add the exact or estimated dimensions of your asset
- Road type/segment: If the structure is only a segment of a certain asset type, enter it here
- Notes: Add additional notes that could give a better understanding of the overall asset and make it easier to identify
6. Click Next
7. You can now specify components for your asset
8. Click on the Asset components dropdown menu
Depending on the asset group, different asset components will already be prefilled.
9. Add a new entry
10. You can duplicate/append/insert/delete an entry
11. Click on Preview as a list
12. Make sure all entries are added to the list
13. Click on CREATE
Your asset has now been created and can be used to perform digital inspections.