The STRUCINSPECT Glossary provides definitions of terms that you might encounter while working with the Infrastructure Lifecycle Hub.
Account Service:
- Organization: a group that may contain many companies, many users, user-groups and business entities
- Membership: your access subscription to our services
- User: a person using the system
- Permissions: a single permission to allow a user some action
- Structure: one or many physical object(s)
- Asset: a resource that an individual, corporation, or country owns or control
- Inspection: a formal evaluation of one or multiple structure(s)
- Damage: physical harm that impairs the value, usefulness or normal function of something
- Rate: an evaluation value
- Measure: a plan or course of action to take in response to finding something, such as a damage, etc.
- Image: a photo taken by a device
- Norm: some defined schema of rules to follow