1. Inspections overview 

All available inspections are displayed in the inspection overview and can be filtered to sort them individually. You can switch between inspections and edit them. Among others the name of the inspection, inspection status, year and offline/online status (of the respective inspection) can be edited.

2. Inspection view

When you select an inspection you can create and edit damages and images (only in offline mode) and have the possibility to switch between components, plans, damages and images.

3. Components

The components give you an overview of the components corresponding to the asset. You can directly add a picture or damage to a selected component through the photo button.

4. Plans

The plans give the user an overview of the respective selected inspection. You can directly add a picture or damage to a selected component through the photo button.

5. Damages

The damage overview gives you an overview of the selected inspection. You can directly view & add damages, as well as locate them.

Damages and images can be created in the list or via the photo button in the lower right area.

You can also open a damage to get detailed information.

6. Images

The image overview gives you an overview of the selected inspection. You can directly view and add images there.

You get an overview of the available pictures for the selected inspection. Images can be created via the

photo button in the lower right area.

You have the possibility to open an image to get detailed information about the shown damage.